Design Patterns in Node.js: Module Pattern

Today I start the series of blog spots dedicated to design patterns used in Node.js development. As developers you are probably familiar with the GoF design patterns. These work best with the programming languages using class inheritance but JavaScript belongs to the prototype-based category of languages. Moreover the Node.js is specific for an asynchronism. Because of this I see useful to revise already known patterns from GoF and add some more specific to JavaScript or Node.js.

There is no order of particular patterns in this series. I plan to simply pick those which I use the most in my current projects. For start I have chose a Module Pattern.

Code first #

Synchronous version #

var privateStaticVariable = 'sample';

// constructor function
exports.createInstance = function(context) {
    var privateVariable = 10;

    var privateFunction = function() {
        return privateVariable * context.multiplier;           

    var instance = {
        publicVariable: 7,
        publicFunction: function(x) {
            return privateVariable + x;
        chainableFunction: function(sum) {
            privateVariable = instance.publicFunction(sum);
            return instance;

    return instance;

Asynchronous version with callback #

var privateStaticVariable = 'sample';

// constructor function
exports.createInstance = function(context, callback) {
    var privateVariable = 10;

    var privateFunction = function() {
        return privateVariable * context.multiplier;           

    var instance = {
        publicVariable: 7,
        publicFunction: function(x) {
            return privateVariable + x;
        chainableFunction: function(sum) {
            privateVariable = instance.publicFunction(sum);
            return instance;

    someAsyncCall(function(err) {
        if (err) return callback(err);
        return callback(null, instance);

Characteristics #

Module Pattern comprise 2 from 4 major principles of object-oriented programming - the encapsulation and abstraction.

Firstly it encapsulates data and provides the client of such module with just public API methods. For JavaScript this is the easiest way how to substitute the explicit public/private variables scoping.

Secondly the Module Pattern provides a layer of abstraction. It means that client using such module do not have to care about the process of the instantiation itself. He needs to know parameters of called constructor function and api of returned instance. This define an interface between client and module. If the interface remains the same the implementation of module can evolve freely without necessity to change a client.

For example we can incorporate into Module Pattern another pattern called Factory Method. In the code example above the constructor method createInstance simply returns a new object instance for every call. But we can use Factory Method when we have a limited poll of instances and we would like to provide client with one from them. All this is change of the implementation but the interface for a client do not change. More about Factory Method pattern in Node.js you will find in some of my future posts.

Usage example #

I try to design Node.js apps as a net of loosely coupled services. In such scheme every service is developed according Module Pattern and benefit from a uniform interface. In such case I use slightly modified vocabulary - init instead of createInstance and api instead of instance.

exports.init = function(context, callback) {
    var connection;

    var api = {
        list: function(query, callback) {  /* implementation */  },
        create: function(item, callback) {  /* implementation */  },
        update: function(item, callback) {  /* implementation */  },
        destroy: function(item, callback) {  /* implementation */  }

    openSomeConnection(function(err, connection_) {
        if (err) return callback(err);
        connection = connection_;
        return callback(null, api);

Further Reading #
